October 15, 2015

Braids in the Backyard + Sara's Guide to Healthy Hair

8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!

I love the power of h a i r

I love the confidence, creativity, and identity that comes from hair. 

I love looking through old photos and instantly recognizing when the picture was taken based on the hair trends. 

I love the thrill new hair gives an individual, from something as simple as a new braid to a bold cut and color.

I love unity that is created over hair. I remember countless summer nights at girls camp, when we would sit around the camp fire and braid each others hair.


Healthy hair is the best hair. I've listed eight simple tips below for healthy hair... 

8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!

1. Embrace Your Locks. 
The phrase 'the grass always seems greener on the other side', applies to hair. Everybody's hair is different-- long, short, straight, curly --whatever type your hair is, own it.

2. Invest Time to Find Your Killer Stylist. 
I love my hair stylist, I love bouncing ideas off her about different haircuts or potentially coloring my hair. I trust her judgement; she knows what will work with my face shape and what will not. She knows how my hair will look if I wanted to go lighter and how it will hold color.

3. Ditch the Heat. 
Give your hair a break from the heat by trying some hairstyles that don't require heating tools. This is especially important if you're in the process of growing your hair out. Braids are great for this. Or go au-naturale and let your hair air-dry!

4. Give Your Hair a Break. 
Another thing you want to give your hair a break from is shampoo. Washing your hair too often may strip out natural oils causing your hair to dry out and appear less silky. If you're washing your hair every day, try ditching the shampoo and simply rinsing every other day. THIS is what I use in between washes to keep my hair looking fresh. Another (less expensive) alternative is THIS.

8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!
8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!
8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!

5. Eat Your Vitamins! 
Healthy hair starts from the nutrients you're putting in your body. Some of the best vitamins for healthy hair include: Biotin (found in brown rice, lentils and oats), Vitamin A (found in spinach, carrots and peaches), and Vitamin E (found in soybeans, leafy greens and nuts).

6. Trim Your Hair Regularly.
Hair should be trimmed every 6-8 weeks. If you're growing your hair out, trim every 10-14 weeks. This will not only cut off split ends, but also keep your hair from looking thin and straggly at the ends. 

7. Get Familiar with Styling Products.  
Hair products can help add that extra texture and hold you're looking for. This can be especially helpful on 'bad hair days' when your hair has a mind of its own. Get familiar with what hair products work best for you. Some of my favorite hair products are HERE, HERE, and HERE.

8. Relax and Have Fun. 
At the end of the day, hair is hair is hair is hair. If you cut your hair too short, it will eventually grow back. Or if you're frustrated that you can't quite perfect that hairstyle you've been working on, there's always tomorrow. Be patient, and remember to have fun.

8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!
8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!
8 Tips For Healthy Hair + Braid Inspiration!

Big thanks to my darling models Kelsey, Jacquelyn, Katelyn, and Annie. 
Also, to my cousin Arden for helping out with hair! xoxo

Thanks for reading,

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theblogsocial.com said...

These are stunning

Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Candice! xoxo

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