July 22, 2015

Bold Brows: Creating Your Perfect Brow

Eyebrow Tutorial. every girl needs to read this!
I started waxing my unruly unibrow in sixth grade for my 12th birthday. Yes, I had a unibrow. I hated it at the time, but I'm grateful that I have so much brow to work with now. Since then, I've studied, experimented, over plucked, and grown out my brows dozens of times. I've learned quite a bit along the way. Things to avoid and things that have become an absolute must

Never underestimate the power of a bold brow. 

Eyebrows are key to framing your bone structure and drawing out your eyes. Here's my advice to those looking to find their perfect brow:

1. Grow your eyebrows out. This is the worst part of the process, but it makes all the difference. The more hair you have to work with, the merrier, so avoid the temptation to pluck any hair. 

Let me repeat that... do not pluck ANY hair.

Eyebrow Tutorial. every girl needs to read this!

2. Schedule an appointment with a trusted brow technician. Let your brow tech determine your best shape. You have gotten used to looking at the eyebrows you've sculpted, but that doesn't mean its what looks best for somebody meeting you for the first time. Don't get trapped in the mindset thinking you know what's best. Your eyebrow tech will have a fresh perspective and know what to wax and what to leave to bring out your bone structure. Too often I see women who unknowingly have over-plucked their brows. This is no bueno. 

- FAQ: Waxing vs. Threading- which do you recommend? -
I have a strong preference towards waxing. There was a period of time when I had my brows threaded and came out with brows that were too thin. I even went in with pictures of thick brows and it didn't seem to help. I don't know if it's just a style that comes with threading or if there's less control, but I haven't had that problem with waxing.

Eyebrow Tutorial. every girl needs to read this!

3. Tint and/or fill your eyebrows. 
I already have dark, thick brows but even I fill them in. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule people! Now whether you choose to tint or not is optional. I love having my brows tinted but it gets pricey so I only do it occasionally. Filling your brows in will give an almost identical result. the con: you will have to fill the in every morning. It takes me no longer than five minutes to fill my brows in though, which is nothing. THIS is my all-time favorite eyebrow filler. It comes in tons of different shades so if you're a blondie worried about having brows that are too dark, there's a shade for you as well ;) 

I'll usually fill in my entire brow then blend generously to give it a natural finish- nothing worse than brows that are *clearly* penciled in. If you have wild eyebrows, finish off with THIS GEL to hold them in place. 

Hope this helps!

*Images by Lizzy Pinckney
*Make-up by Devan Ampuero
*Jewelry: Layered and Long (c/o)

Eyebrow Tutorial. every girl needs to read this!

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theblogsocial.com said...

Thanks for sharing these really useful tips!

Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

Tusks and Tails said...

You are so stunning, I can't take it!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I appreciate your nice comments! Xoxo

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